General Crochet, Patterns

Quick & Simple Wall Hanging Basket – Free Crochet Pattern

I won’t waste your time going on and on about why I made this basket. I’ll tell the full story here–I wanted a quick functional decoration, and I had bulky yarn sitting in my stash. And you’re probably here looking for something quick and crafty because someone either invited you to a holiday party, or gave you a gift when you weren’t expecting it. And you need a gift that can be ready NOW. So you clicked on this pattern. Well, I whipped this up in just about 45 minutes, so you hopefully have that much time to spare!

Let’s get into the pattern, then.

Free Pattern

What I used:

  • J/6mm hook (I like to use Clover Amour)
  • About 80-100 yards super bulky yarn – Samples used Lion Brand Hometown and Re-Spun T&Q
  • Scissors and yarn needle for assembly

Stitches included:

  • HDC: half double crochet
  • FHDC: foundation half double crochet (I learned using this cool tutorial from Moogly)
  • Crossed HDC: skip next stitch, work one half double crochet in following stitch. Going over previous stitch, work one half double crochet in skipped stitch.
  • HDCdec: decrease using half double crochet (again, I like to do this technique I learned from the Moogly blog)
  • SC: single crochet
  • SCdec: single crochet decrease


  • Gauge is not important in this pattern. If you want to use a different yarn weight, you might just need to adjust your hook size to get the right overall look. And of course, the finished pouch size will change.
  • If you have a different stitch count for your edging, that’s perfectly fine. For the second round, just do the math and divide your total stitch count by about 3-4 (whatever math works easier) and spread out your decreases this much. For example, if you have 40 stitches? Work a decrease every 8 stitches (8 SC, one SCdec), so you’re turning it into 36.


Leaving a starting tail of approximately 8-10” for later seaming,

1. FHDC 20 (or chain 21, turn and HDC into second chain and across)

2. Ch 1, turn. HDC first. *Crossed HDC* to last stitch, HDC last. (9 crossed, 2 HDC)

3. Ch 1, turn. HDC across.

Repeat 2 and 3 for a total of 15 rows.

Turn to work along the side of previous rows…

1. Ch 1.  HDC in the side of first three rows. HDCdec. *HDC next two, HDCdec* twice. HDC last two. (12)

2. Ch 1, turn. HDC across (12)

It will begin to pull in a little bit, this is normal! It’ll look something like this at this stage:

3. Ch 1, turn. HDC 3, HDCdec, HDC 2, HDCdec, HDC 3. (10)

4. Ch 1, turn. HDC across (10)

5. Ch 1, turn. HDCdec across (5)

6. Ch 1, turn. HDCdec, HDC, HDCdec. (3)

7. Ch 1, turn. SC in first stitch. Ch 8 (or desired hanging loop size), skip one stitch, SC in last stitch.

Fasten off.

Using your starting tail:

Fold up remaining two corners to touch in center.

Sew seam using mattress stitch. Fasten off and weave in all ends.


1. Join in stitch to the immediate left of the hanging loop. SC along the side of rows and into stitches until you get back to the loop (approximately 50 stitches). Pull the hanging loop to the back and SC into the space below the loop. Slip stitch to first SC. (51)

2. SC 15, SCdec 3 times. (48). Join.  

Fasten in any remaining ends and enjoy your new hanging pouch! I chose to use mine for a little mask holder near the door. Once they come back clean from the laundry, I pop a few in here and they’re ready to grab for errands or work! It’s the perfect size.

It could also make a fun “stocking” to have ready Christmas morning for a loved one with some treats inside.

I hope you enjoy this pattern and make a ton for holiday gifts, or just to decorate for yourself! If you make these, feel free to tag me (on Instagram), @astitchshyofnormal.

If you’d like to check out my designs, please feel free to look through my Ravelry store! And if you want to see what I’m working on next, follow me on Instagram. I also write monthly crochet pattern reviews over on the EyeLoveKnots blog!

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